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  Surprise Brides: Jamie

  Caroline Clemmons

  Copyright 2015 Caroline Clemmons

  Cover Design Jennifer Zigrino

  Photo: Ivan Kmit

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental.


  **Note: Each of the Surprise Brides books includes basically the same prologue, but told from the point of view of that book’s two main characters. If you’ve read others of the Surprise Brides—Caleb, Gideon, Ethan—you may wish to skip this Prologue and go to Chapter One on page nineteen.

  The Circle F Ranch outside Angel Springs, Colorado,

  Thursday, October 14, 1880

  Jamie Fraser looked northward. “Snow’s coming down fast and thick for this early. Gonna be a hard winter.”

  His younger brother Gideon threw the corral gate closed. “Pete better hurry back or he’ll be stuck in town with our supplies.”

  His brother nearest to him in age, Caleb, turned up his collar. “I’m heading to my house. I don’t aim to stand around waiting on Pete, no matter what Mama says.”

  Jamie shot his rowdy brother a stony stare. “She doesn’t ask much of us. Won’t kill you to hold off on your carousing for a couple of hours. Besides, you can’t head into town in this weather.”

  Ethan, his youngest brother, laughed and nudged Caleb. “He doesn’t have to. Has him a sweet little gal stashed at his house.”

  Caleb pushed at Ethan’s chest and sent him tumbling onto the snowy ground. “Keep your mouth shut. Nobody’s business but mine.”

  Ethan hopped up and Jamie stopped him before he tackled Caleb.

  Jamie said, “Settle down. We have more important things to do than wrestle in the snow.” Jamie noted smoke now came from the fireplaces upstairs as well as in the big room they used as a parlor.

  The jingle of sleigh bells interrupted the quarrel. Good thing Pete had attached the skids to the farm wagon earlier. Mama must have been listening for the ringing because she came out onto the porch all bundled up against the cold.

  Knowing the shock coming for his brothers, his sympathy extended to all three. Guilt over his silence nagged at him. “Let’s go stand with Mama.”

  All four men loved and respected their mother. Since their beloved father’s death five years before, they’d been especially considerate of her feelings. Now they trudged through the snow to stand with her while the sleigh came into view.

  Gideon craned his neck. “Looks like Pete’s got passengers. Who’d be coming here in this weather? You expecting anyone, Mama?”

  She straightened. “As a matter of fact, I am. I’d appreciate you boys staying right here with me. I have something important to say to you in a few minutes.”

  Jamie watched Pete pull up near the steps. Something didn’t look right, so he counted the passengers.


  He counted again.

  Four women had arrived.

  Frowning at the horrible suspicion that hit him, Jamie turned to his mother. “Mama, what have you done?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “What needed doing. Now you help unload the girls’ belongings. Pete doesn’t need to do all the work.”

  Jamie called over his shoulder, “Come on, boys, lend a hand.”

  Caleb was first behind him. “What’s going on?”

  Madder than he’d been in a long time, Jamie stepped off the porch. “We have to get these women and their belongings inside so Pete can put up the horses. Mama will explain then.” And she had a passel of explaining to do.

  When Jamie had heard Mama’s idea of mail order brides, he’d cautioned her that his brothers wouldn’t take to the idea. Eventually, he’d agreed that her plan was likely the only way his brothers—especially Caleb—would settle down. Damned if she hadn’t sneaked one woman in for him.

  Hadn’t he already married and lost a spouse? Didn’t he have two kids to carry on his share in the ranch? The last thing he needed or wanted was a new wife.

  The women were so bundled up he couldn’t see more than their eyes and nose. Without a word to any of the ladies, he helped each one down from the wagon and gestured for them to go inside. He hefted a trunk that weighed so much the coffer must have included everything the owner ever possessed.

  His brothers were carrying stuff, as well, and soon, they had emptied the sleigh of women, luggage, and supplies. Pete raised his eyebrows and hopped into the sleigh like his tail was on fire. With a flick of the reins, he headed toward the barn.

  Inside the house, the parlor was a flurry of wraps being removed and females chattering. Four women huddled near the fireplace. Although markedly different in appearance, each one was attractive in her way. Especially if you took into account the cold was responsible for each girl’s red cheeks and nose.

  Milly, the Fraser’s cook, set down a tray holding cups of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies. “One of you boys help me get the rest of the mugs instead of lollygagging. I can only carry so much you know.”

  Before Jamie could step forward, Gideon followed her to the kitchen and returned with another tray. “Mama, I believe we deserve introductions and an explanation.”

  His brothers stood around the room staring like they were at a church dance, awkward and unsure. Boy, were they in for a surprise.

  Attempting a smile, Mama licked her lips and gestured toward the men. “Ladies, these are your grooms.”

  Caleb reacted first. “What the hell?” He nodded to the women. “Excuse me, ladies.” Lowering his voice he leaned toward his mother. “I hope this is a joke of some kind and you’re not serious.”

  She straightened her shoulders and narrowed her eyes at her sons. “Now boys, you each promised me you’d marry someday, but you never did anything toward keeping your word. I decided this was a good time to help by finding you wives. These ladies have come all the way from Chicago.”

  Ethan and Gideon’s eyes were big as saucers at a ladies’ tea as they gaped at their potential future wives.

  Fiona Fraser turned toward the women. After a glance at the photos she held, she took a willowy blonde by the hand and led her across the floor. “Olivia, this is Jamie, my oldest at thirty-two and your groom-to-be. Jamie, Olivia has been a school teacher.”

  Jamie stared at Olivia. In spite of the fury boiling inside him, he forced himself to acknowledge her tremulous smile. She wasn’t classically pretty, but more what he’d call a handsome woman.

  Tall with curves in all the right places. Large blue eyes filled with apprehension. Full lips rosy from the cold but a stubborn set to her jaw.

  He wouldn’t mind cuddling up with her at night if he’d been in the market for a wife. Which he wasn’t, but he’d sort out this matter later in private. No need to embarrass her in front of everyone.

  Next Mama took Caleb by the hand and led him to a brown-eyed woman with black hair. “Lillian, meet Caleb, next to oldest at twenty-nine. Lillian has been a librarian.”

  Lillian didn’t smile. She assessed his brother as if he were for sale. From the way her eyes narrowed, she found her future husband wanting.

  Mama grabbed a redhead with green eyes by her hand. “Ruby, this is Gideon, who’s twenty-seven and the Angel Springs’ preacher. Ruby’s a young wid

  Unlike Olivia and Lillian, Ruby appeared happy with her lot. She smiled at Gideon and slipped her hand in his.

  Nudging Ethan, Mama led him to a stunning hazel-eyed woman with brown hair. “Beth, this is Ethan, my youngest at twenty-two.”

  Mama made no explanation about Beth’s past. The young woman was one of the most attractive Jamie had ever seen. She wore the fanciest dress, or it would have been if it had been clean. Jamie guessed her age at nineteen or twenty and pegged her as a spoiled rich girl, but her disheveled appearance caused him to wonder. Why would a wealthy girl become a mail-order bride—and why didn’t she wear a clean dress?

  Caleb ran his fingers through his hair and strode toward Mama. “You can’t mean you did this without consulting us. I’m capable of choosing my own wife when the time comes...”

  Olivia had finished her hot chocolate and now put her hands on her hips. “You mean, that letter wasn’t from James Fraser, Jr.?” She took two steps toward Mama. “Mrs. Fraser, you wrote to me pretending to be your son?”

  Mama raised her hands to quiet the murmurs of rising complaints. “Everyone, just hear me out. You girls wanted grooms, and these are the four best men in this state or any other. They each need a wife and to settle down and have a family.”

  Jamie clasped his mother by the shoulders. As kindly as he could manage, he asked, “Mama, may I see you in the kitchen please?” He glanced at the women watching him with curious gazes. “Excuse us a moment, ladies.”

  He was boiling mad. His first wife had died three years ago, and he had no plan to remarry. Ever. As soon as he and Mama were out of earshot of the newcomers, he launched into a whispered tirade, “May I remind you I have a family?”

  Mama cocked an eyebrow. “Do you? Those children need a mother.”

  Jamie forked a thumb at his chest. “I had a wife, remember? Why did you send for a bride for me?”

  “For the same reason as your brothers. I told you I was sending for them because they needed wives so they wouldn’t be alone, and you need the same thing.” She shoved at his shoulders. “Go back in there and give her a chance, son.”

  When they returned to the others, Caleb had apparently overheard Mama and seized on her wording. He narrowed his eyes at his brother then back at Mama. “You told Jamie? Did he know about this and just happened to forget to tell us?”

  “He knew, but I swore him to secrecy. He didn’t know I’d included Olivia for him, but he needs a wife same as the three of you.” She tossed up her hands. “Lands sakes, you know Jake and Cat need a mother to tame them.”

  Mama met the angry gaze of each son.

  Jamie recognized the steel in her and knew he was doomed. His body had grown numb and he could swear he was falling over an abyss. How had this happened? Shouldn’t he have suspected when Mama ordered his brothers’ wives?

  “I want you boys to have the same thing your father and I did.” Her voice softened. “You have no idea how wonderful it is to have a life partner who shares everything and always supports your ideas.”

  Hell, he saw the breakdown coming. He squared his shoulders and braced himself for her tears. None of them could resist when they thought she was going to cry. Not that she used tears to manipulate him and his brothers. At least, not usually.

  She pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed at her eyes. “We can talk more about this later.”

  She motioned toward the stairs. “Ladies, if you’d like to freshen up after your long ride, go on up. Olivia and Lillian are in the master bedroom at the end of the hall on the left. Ruby and Beth are in the second room on the right. The fire has been lit in each room.”

  Ruby set down her cup and rubbed a handkerchief across her forehead. “I could sure use a few minutes of rest.” She turned and climbed the stairs.

  Jamie figured they were plenty tired after their trip from Chicago where Mama had said the girls were from, the three women that had turned into four.

  Beth hugged her arms as she followed Ruby. “I don’t think I’ll ever get warm again.”

  Olivia sent Jamie a speculative look before she headed for the stairs.

  Lillian was the last to leave. She cast Mama a cool glance. “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, ma’am, but you shouldn’t have impersonated your sons. That’s cheating and not fair to anyone concerned.”

  “I did what I thought best for my sons,” Mama responded, her voice filled with determination.

  With the women gone, all four men began to speak at once. Caleb’s voice was loudest, but Jamie figured his own sounded almost as noisy. Ethan’s face turned red with anger. Peacemaker Gideon reacted differently and turned tight-lipped.

  Mama left the room and returned clanging the dinner triangle to get their attention. “Calm down, boys.”

  Caleb leaned forward. “We’re not boys any longer. Mama, it’s time you realized we’re grown men with the right to choose our own wives.”

  “I know you’re men, but you’ll always be my boys,” she waggled a finger at them. “So don’t sass me. Caleb, you worry me most. Don’t think you’ve hidden that you’re out carousing until all hours. You’re going down a dangerous path and I aim to see you settle down and raise a family if I have to hog-tie you to achieve that goal.”

  She took a deep breath. “Milly has the table ready for you to sit down like the gentlemen I raised and we’ll talk this through.”

  Jamie and his brothers stomped into the kitchen. Danged if he didn’t already feel hog-tied. He could visualize a big red bow on the rope’s knot. They all seated themselves then Mama took her place at the head of the table.

  “Your father and I had always believed you four were the best sons anyone ever had. I still believe that, but you haven’t honored your promise to marry. Ethan, you’re the only one who can skate by on that vow because you’re still young. But I see you trying to copy everything Caleb does.” Shaking her head, she dabbed a handkerchief to her eyes.

  Damn, even though Jamie had suspected this was coming, he couldn’t bear seeing his mother cry.

  Caleb leapt to his feet. “Mama, you’re making me sound like the blackest soul in all of Colorado. I do my share of the work same as Jamie and Ethan.”

  Jamie yanked on his arm. “Sit and listen to what Mama has to say. She isn’t through yet.” But Jamie wanted to jump up himself and leave the house. Where were his kids? He’d bet they were out playing with the barn cat’s new kittens.

  He started at that thought. His kids. They would now have a mother.

  Mama dabbed her eyes again and sniffed a couple of times while she waited for Caleb to take his seat. “This deep snow means the ladies are stuck here, so we’ll have the wedding right away. Milly and I will have everything ready by tomorrow morning.”

  She stood and waved her handkerchief as she spoke. “The brides have come here in good faith and their reputations are at stake. Mine, too, if you don’t cooperate. And we can’t have single men and single ladies sleeping under the same roof. You four will spend tonight at Caleb’s.”

  Jamie and Gideon glared at Caleb. Ethan wore a smirk. Shaking his head, Caleb stretched out his long legs and crossed his arms over his chest, staring at the table.

  Ignoring the exchange, Mama gestured to the corner. “Milly and I packed you each clean clothes in those satchels. Take them and get out of here until ten o’clock tomorrow morning.” She pointed a finger at each of her sons. “See that you show up then, or I’ll bring Pete with a shotgun. Don’t think for a minute I won’t.”


  After checking their rooms, all four brides gathered in the master bedroom. Olivia approved of the tidy condition and the massive mahogany furniture. The quilt on the bed was a beautiful wedding ring pattern in bright red and blue instead of the pastels she’d seen used before. Near the window, a small lamp table separated two rocking chairs where a couple could sit and read for an evening in privacy.

  She wandered to stand before a painting that must have been Jamie’s
parents. His father was a handsome man and probably how Jamie would look in years to come. She tried supplanting Mrs. Fraser’s face with her own and liked the image.

  Lillian paced the room with abrupt steps. “I’ve a good mind to leave the minute the snow stops. We were deceived.”

  Olivia shared her sense of betrayal, yet they’d come so far. She turned to face Lily. “We’re here, so let’s wait and see what Mrs. Fraser has to say this evening. I haven’t even met Jamie’s children yet.” She wondered why they hadn’t run out from wherever they’d been playing to meet the sleigh.

  Lying on the bed and looking pale, Ruby waved a limp hand. “Y’all can do what you want. I’m staying and marrying Gideon. He’s a good-looking man and has a sweet smile.”

  Beth hugged her arms. “All four are handsome and they act respectful. Ethan’s emerald gaze certainly warms a girl and left me breathless. Don’t think I’ll leave for now.”

  Olivia sent her a questioning glance. “What do you mean, for now? Once we’re wed, you can’t change your mind like you would about which hat to wear.”

  Beth tossed her thick brown hair over her shoulder. “Of course you can. Haven’t you heard of divorce?”

  Lillian gasped. “Divorce? Surely you wouldn’t go back on your marriage vows. If you marry Ethan, that will be forever.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “Not every marriage is made in heaven. My parents’ certainly wasn’t.” Her sour expression lent testimony to her words.

  Lillian took a step toward her. “But that doesn’t mean yours won’t—”

  “Ladies.” Olivia clapped her hands for silence. “This isn’t solving our dilemma. If you’ve glanced out the window, you know we’re already buried in snow and more is still falling. We can’t leave for who knows how long. If we don’t wed then our reputations will be ruined.”

  Lillian tapped a finger against her cheek. “Not only that, but I don’t have the money to repay Mrs. Fraser for our expenses and the marriage broker’s fee.”

  Beth’s eyes widened. “You mean we’d owe them money if we don’t go through with the marriage?”