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Jamie Page 17

  He let her wash her face and hands and brush her hair, and then he did the same. His hands were scabbing over and he was careful not to open the sores by scrubbing too hard.

  “Now let’s get you into bed so you can hold audience like a queen. Our family is waiting in the hall.”

  When he opened the door, Jake had gone downstairs to eat with the three men who’d helped find him. Mama, Beth, Cat, and Ethan filed inside the bedroom.

  Milly trudged in carrying a tray loaded with food and coffee for two and set it on the bed. “You eat up now. Jake said you been eatin’ nuts and roots and that don’t sound good to me.”

  Olivia smiled at the cook. “Nothing like your good food, Milly, but they kept us alive and our bellies full. I’m sure there were plants for seasoning, but I didn’t know any that grow in winter.”

  Milly shook her head as she left and muttered, “Nuts and roots not fit for fine folk.”

  Cat climbed on the bed and snuggled next to Olivia, who hugged the girl. “I’m glad to see you, Cat. I missed you.”

  “I missed you. So did Susie and Cissy.”

  At the others’ urging, Olivia told the story of her trek and survival. She downplayed her role, giving marks for bravery to Jake and Jamie.

  Ethan said, “Before he went downstairs, Jake told us some of what you went through. His version made you out to be a goddess with extraordinary powers. I suspect his version is closer to reality.”

  Olivia waved away his praise. “You didn’t see the cliff your brother scaled and climbed across. As you can see, his hands suffered in the effort. I don’t know how he was able to stay up there, especially while wearing western boots and without any climbing equipment.”

  Jamie smiled at her. “Mostly by willpower. If I fell, I couldn’t find you and Jake.”

  She looked at those gathered around the bed. “You can probably imagine my relief when Jamie literally dropped from above.”

  Beth took Olivia’s hand. “We were worried, but I knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to Jake. Didn’t I tell you that, Ethan?”

  Ethan smiled proudly at his wife. “You did and you were right.”

  Mama shooed them out of the room. “Let’s all go and let Jamie and Olivia eat. We’ll hear more tomorrow.” She took Cat by the hand and led her out of the room, closing the door as she left.

  Olivia sampled some of the food. “This certainly is the best thing I’ve eaten lately. My camp cooking leaves a lot to be desired.”

  Jamie downed his share of the food and she pushed more his way. “I couldn’t eat all Milly brought. You must be half-starved, though.”

  “Mostly I’m relieved to have you and Jake safely home.”

  She leaned back against the headboard and sighed. “This is what I dreamed of, Jamie. This bed, this room, this fireplace, you here. I’m so fortunate to be here with our family.”

  Humbled by her words, Jamie took her hands in his. “Olivia, I can’t emphasize enough how lucky we are to have you in our family. If you’re through eating, let’s get ready for the night. Well, you’re already wearing your nightgown, but I’m still dressed.”

  He picked up the tray and set it outside the door before returning to stand on his side of the bed. After stripping, he climbed under the cover.

  He relaxed against the pillow and turned toward her. “Ah, this feels so good. Much softer than a bedroll and warmer than a campfire.” He pulled her toward him.

  She curled around him. “You kept me warm last night.”

  “I promise to keep you warm as long as I live, my love.”

  Olivia caressed her husband’s cheek. “Jamie, don’t call me that unless you mean the words.”

  “I meant what I said. I’ve fallen in love with you. I didn’t realize how much you mean to me until I thought I might lose you. I know now why some men laugh and call their wives ‘their better half’.”

  He kissed her fingertips then pressed her hand to his heart. “You are the best part of our union, Olivia. I will never be able to thank Mama enough for bringing you here.”

  Her voice caught in her throat and she choked back tears of happiness. “That’s beautiful. I’ve dreamed of hearing you say those words. I tried to just have friendly feelings for you, but my heart wouldn’t give up. I love you so much, Jamie. I’m so grateful to be your wife.”

  “My love, are you too tired for me to show you how much I desire you?”

  She sat up long enough to pull her gown over her head and toss it aside. “Please make love to me. Now I know that’s what we’ll be doing instead of just mating.”

  “No folding the gown neatly?” He nuzzled her neck.

  “No time, Mr. Fraser. I missed two nights of being with you.” She pressed herself against him and pulled him toward her.

  She thought their coming together might be hurried, but he moved slowly, caressing and touching her gently. He stroked her breast as he suckled the other. When he slid his finger into her woman’s folds, she gasped uncontrollably.

  At last she was warm. In fact, she thought she might melt. She threw her legs around him, encouraging him to enter her.

  He slid his staff at her opening and pushed inside. “Is this what you want, love?”

  She met his thrust with raised hips. “Yes, I wanted you last night. I’ve missed you inside me.”

  He pushed harder, plunging deep into her body. Never had anything been so wonderful. Their dance drove them to the brink of ecstasy. Faster and faster they moved in perfect rhythm.

  Olivia climbed higher and higher. Eyes closed, she knew if she opened them she would see stars around her. She flew over the earth, propelled by her joy.

  When she thought she would expire from delight, the world exploded. With a sense of wonder, she drifted back to her bed, safe in her husband’s arms. At the same time, he cried her name and his warm seed flowed within her.

  Panting, she spoke into her hair, “I love you, Olivia Evangeline Stewart Fraser. You are my life.”

  “And you are mine, James William Fraser II. You are all I’ve ever dreamed of in a husband. I am the luckiest woman alive.”


  Circle F Ranch, near Angel Springs, Colorado

  November 1882

  Olivia gestured to her husband, who carried two children’s high chairs. “Place those beside our two. That takes care of Ruby’s Fiona and Lily’s Laura. What will we use for Beth’s William?”

  “Ethan said he’s bringing over something for their William.” Jamie surveyed the space. “We’ve needed a larger dining room for our family dinners. Now that our addition is finished, we have plenty of room.”

  She smiled at him. When she’d had twins last year, they’d managed. But, Jake was too old to share his room with a baby brother and the twins were too old to share their parents’ room. The addition to their house had been completed the past summer. They’d added three bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs, they’d expanded the dining room and parlor and added two bedrooms, the largest of which was Mama Fraser’s.

  “Ma-ma-ma.” Fifteen month old Stella clasped Olivia’s skirt.

  Cat grabbed her sister’s hand. “She won’t stay with me, Mama. She wants to see what’s going on. Jake’s got Stewart.”

  Olivia hugged Cat’s shoulders before lifting Stella. “You and Jake have done a nice job of occupying them while we prepared for your birthday dinner.”

  Jake carried his brother Stewart, twin to Stella. “He wants to see too.”

  “Let’s put them in their high chairs and give them each a cracker. They can watch me set the table.”

  “I can help.” Cat skipped to where the silverware was kept.

  Jamie kissed her cheek. “Sounds like someone’s arrived, love. I’ll check.”

  In a few minutes, Ruby came in carrying her daughter and a wrapped gift. “Happy birthday, Catriona. Fiona brought you a gift.” She turned to two-year-old Fiona, named to honor her grandmother. “Give the package to your cousin.”

  Fiona proudl
y handed the package to Cat. “Birfday.”

  “Thank you.” Cat placed her gift on the table. “Want me to take her, Aunt Ruby?”

  Before Ruby could answer, Fiona leaned down and clasped Cat’s neck. Ruby laughed. “I think that answers your question. She wants you to play with her.”

  Olivia took her sister-in-law’s arm. “Still having morning sickness?”

  “Not so much now. Gideon is so excited, I can hardly move without him rushing over. I vow he’s the best husband in the world.”

  Olivia laughed. “I have to argue with you there. Isn’t life strange? We set out as desperate women to wed strangers, and we each found our perfect match.”

  Soon, all four families were gathered to celebrate Cat’s seventh birthday. Caleb and Lily and their fourteen-month-old, Laura Kathleen, clung together, the picture of a devoted family. Ethan and Beth had built their home only half a mile away and now had baby William Gideon.

  Mama Fraser beamed her pleasure at having her loved ones around her. “What a lovely evening we’ll have.”

  Olivia agreed. She sat on a sofa beside her husband, who had his arm around her. They’d added more seating to the expanded parlor and there was room for all the family. This was more than her dream fulfilled, this was even better than she’d dreamed. Seven cousins and eleven adults counting Mama Fraser, Milly, and the new maid Jenny, would gather in her beautiful home to celebrate occasions in the Fraser clan and sometimes just to enjoy the companionship of kin.

  Cat opened her presents and remembered to thank each giver. She carried them upstairs and invited Fiona to come play in her room. Jake chose to stay with the adults.

  After the guests had gone and they were alone in their bed, Olivia rested her head on Jamie’s shoulder. “I’ve gone from being the pitied spinster to having four children and a loving husband.”

  “You know, I’m surprised your parents haven’t been to visit us. Have they mentioned when they might come?”

  “As a matter of fact, their last letter said they’d come in June and stay a month.”

  “Good thing we have that extra bedroom downstairs. That’ll make it easier on your folks. June’s a hot month to travel though.”

  “Well, they’re coming to be here for the birth.”

  “What?” He braced on his elbow to look at her.

  She hoped he’d share her happiness in her pregnancy. “The next Fraser will be born about June.”

  “Ours?” He let out a whoop and kissed her. “That’s wonderful.”

  He pretended to be serious, but his twinkling blue eyes gave him away. “Now, look, my love. I know you’re organized, but don’t feel you have to produce another set of twins to prove your efficiency.”

  She grinned at him and patted her abdomen. “Too late to discuss those arrangements now. As the saying goes, the bun is already in the oven. Or buns, as the case may be.”

  He chuckled. “I love you, Olivia Fraser. Except for worrying about you, I don’t care if you have triplets or quadruplets. As long as you love me, my life is great.”

  “I’ll never stop loving you, Jamie Fraser.” Safe in her husband’s arms, she gave thanks for her gifts of family, health, and resources. She was happier than she’d even dreamed anyone could be.

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  Don’t miss other The Surprise Brides novels:

  One determined mama, four reluctant brothers, four mail-order brides. Meet Jamie, Caleb, Gideon and Ethan.


  Caleb Fraser is the town bad boy and enjoying the single life to the fullest. He has no intention of marrying. No time soon, anyway. He keeps telling his mama he will chose a wife shortly, just to keep her off his back. However, Mama Fraser takes the situation in hand and sends for mail order brides for all four of her sons.


  As the local preacher, Gideon Fraser often talks about the many virtues of a good marriage, but that doesn't mean he has the slightest inclination of claiming a bride of his own. No, he's been burned before, by greedy women who only want the prestige and money the Fraser family name can provide. When his mother's devious matchmaking results in his unexpected wedding, Gideon looks at the beautiful face of the woman who has sworn to be his and wants nothing to do with her. But Gideon is in danger of losing his heart until he discovers the truth. His new wife lied to him...about everything.

  Ruby Haller needed a husband and fast. A treacherous man promised her the world, took her virginity, and left her without a father for her unborn child. When her father, the town minister, found out she was expecting a child, he offered her hand in marriage to the meanest man in town. Becoming a mail-order-bride appeared to be a safer choice. But instead of a rancher, she ends up the wife of a stubborn, bull-headed preacher and he's none too pleased when he discovers her duplicity. Worse? The local town beauty, who had been courting him for years, is determined to make her life a living hell.

  But Angel Springs, Colorado is a small town that can inspire big dreams. It's nearly Christmas, and as these two hearts heal, a holiday miracle just might be within reach.


  A reluctant groom and a runaway bride…

  Beth Worthington finds herself racing from a wealthy older groom into the arms of a stranger when she defies an attempt by her father to marry her off. Instead, she takes matters into her own hands and agrees to become a mail-order bride with no intention of staying married to her unknown suitor.

  Ethan Fraser is shocked when he discovers his mother ordered him a bride. To save the innocent girl’s reputation, he goes through with the wedding. What he doesn’t expect is for his innocent bride to have plans of her own – that don’t happen to include him.

  When an unexpected snowstorm traps the two together they have to learn to compromise in order to survive.

  Can a rich debutante and a Colorado cowboy learn to live together before the snow melts or will their different lifestyles tear them apart before they have a chance to find out?

  Enjoy Caroline’s Other Western Historical Romances:

  The Most Unsuitable Wife, Kincaids book one, 99 cents

  The Most Unsuitable Husband, Kincaids book two

  The Most Unsuitable Courtship, Kincaids book three

  Gabe Kincaid, Kincaids book four

  Brazos Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book one, Free,

  Buy the Audiobook here

  High Stakes Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book two,

  Buy the Audiobook here

  Bluebonnet Bride, Men of Stone Mountain Texas book three

  Tabitha’s Journey, a Stone Mountain TX mail-order bride novella

  Stone Mountain Reunion, a Stone Mountain Texas short story

  Stone Mountain Christmas, a Stone Mountain Texas novella

  Winter Bride, a Stone Mountain Texas romance

  The Texan’s Irish Bride, McClintocks book one, Free

  O’Neill’s Texas Bride, McClintocks book two

  McClintock’s Reluctant Bride, McClintock’s book three

  Save Your Heart For Me, a western adventure novella

  Happy Is The Bride, a sweet humorous wedding novella, Free when you sign up for my newsletter

  Long Way Home, a sweet Civil War adventure romance novella

  Caroline’s Time Travel

  Out Of The Blue, 1845 Irish lass comes forward to today

  Caroline’s Conte
mporary Titles

  Be My Guest, mildly sensual

  Snowfires, sensual

  Home Sweet Texas Home, Texas Home book one (sweet)

  Caroline’s Mysteries:

  Almost Home, a Link Dixon mystery

  Death In The Garden, a Heather Cameron cozy mystery

  Take Advantage of Bargain Boxed Sets:

  Wild Western Women: Kirsten Osbourne, Callie Hutton, Caroline Clemmons, Sylvia McDaniel, and Merry Farmer

  Wild Western Women Ride Again, Kirsten Osbourne, Callie Hutton, Caroline Clemmons, Sylvia McDaniel, and Merry Farmer Available at Amazon only

  Mail-Oder Tangle: Linked books Mail-Order Promise by Caroline Clemmons and Mail-Order Ruckus by Jacquie Rogers

  10 Timeless Heroes, time travels include Out Of The Blue and novels by Sky Purington, Skhye Moncreif, Donna Michaels, Beth Trissel, P. L. Parker, L. L. Muir, Linda LaRoque, and Nancy Lee Badger

  Silver Belles and Stetsons, Ten Amazon bestselling and award-winning authors bring you western romance Christmas novellas featuring cowboys from the past and the women who loved them. This boxed set will take you back in time when men were rugged and handsome and the women courageous and daring. Authors are Kathleen Ball, Cait Braxton, Caroline Clemmons, Carra Copelin, Kirsten Holt, Lyn Horner, Susan Horsnell, Paty Jager, Hebby Roman, and Margaret Tanner.

  Rawhide ‘n Roses, fifteen 2,000 word short stories by various western historical authors, nominated for the Rone Award. All proceeds are donated to Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, Hot Springs, South Dakota.

  About The Author

  Caroline Clemmons is an Amazon bestselling and award winning author of historical and contemporary western romances. Her latest releases are McClintock’s Reluctant Bride, McClintock series book three, and Josephine, Bride Brigade book one. A frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, she has taught workshops on characterization, point of view, and layering a novel.