Brazos Bride Read online

Page 18

Micah didn’t need an escort, but he was in too much of a hurry to argue. “And don’t say anything to Ramona about this, right?” He didn’t trust the woman and didn’t want to leave her alone with Hope while everyone else was busy. He’d have a word with his aunts before he left.

  Zach slapped Eduardo on the shoulder. “Looks like you get to stay with Hope today and make sure no one makes another attempt on her life while we’re looking for Alejandro Chavez.”

  “I prefer to go with you, but I also do not want Hope unprotected.” Eduardo shrugged. “Amigos, I asked Papa to tell me how we are related, this Diego and me.”

  “You? That mean he’s kin to Hope?”

  “Sí, from Aiyana, the wife of Cesare Montoya. You remember I said she was Comanche? Her nephew was Diego’s great uncle. Papa said she always claimed the land belonged to her people and they let Cesare live here only because of her. She was one mean old woman, and she lived until only ten years ago. Always she scared the caca from me.” He raised his hand in farewell and walked away.

  The brothers went to the barn and gathered their tack.

  “We’re gonna get to the bottom of this, and I mean today.” Micah said as he saddled his horse.

  “Don’t go off half-cocked, little brother. We need to go about this logically.” Joel mounted his horse. “Wooster, you know a safe place to get across the river?”

  “Several. I’ve had them watched around the clock. No cattle have moved across.”

  Micah asked, “Alejandro pull any of the watches?”

  Wooster shook his head. “Never quite trusted him. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a partner here.”

  Zach mounted his horse. “Let’s go up on that peak between here and Jorge’s ranch. Looks like a tough climb, but I’ll wager we can see a lot of the river from there and a good bit of the ranch."

  “The ride up there is rough. Nothing moving up there but a few jackrabbits...and more rattlers.”

  Micah said, “We’ll follow your lead.”

  Two hours later the foursome pulled up beneath a rocky cliff. For the past hour, they’d followed a narrow trail that wound up the mountain.

  Wooster raised his hand to call a halt. “Have to leave the horses here and hike the rest of the way.” He dismounted and let his horse’s reins drop. “Now look, men, I’m serious when I say be careful where you put your hands and feet. Nothin’ up here’s friendly.” Wooster glanced around and picked up a broken branch about five feet long and an inch in diameter. “Grab yourselves a walking stick.”

  Micah and his brothers followed suit, and soon he saw Wooster’s reason. The backs of Micah’s legs burned as if fire chased him. All his walking had been on more or less level ground, not straight up a rocky path. The branch helped him gain traction on the slippery trail, but did nothing to ease the strain on his legs.

  Zach shot a rattler curled on the path. “Hate those things.”

  Joel said, “Someone’s been here not too long ago.”

  “Me,” Wooster said. “Still, figured it’d give you the best lay of the land. Red and I came up about six weeks ago. Wanted to get a bird’s eye view. Look for stray cattle.” He stopped and used his sleeve to wipe sweat from his face. “Montoya...that’s the younger brother...had said to forget it, but I had to make another stab at finding them. I take losing cattle as a personal insult.”

  When they reached the summit, each man carefully chose a boulder and plopped down. Although this was the tallest mountain east of Stone Mountain, it’s height was several hundred feet less. Still, its height provided an impressive observation point.

  Zach said, “Whew. Man, the view is worth the climb. Reminds me of my place”

  Below them lay the Brazos River winding lazily through the valley. Groups of cattle grazed on parched grass. Four ranch hands worked a fence line.

  Micah took out a spyglass and surveyed the shore. “Wooster, look there. Looks almost like a bridge.” He handed the instrument to Wooster.

  Wooster focused the glass. “Reckon that’s a limestone formation. Can’t say as I ever noticed it before. Lotta land to cover.”

  “That’s the truth.” Micah returned the spyglass to his vest pocket. “Let’s fix it in our minds. Hmm, due north of the ranch’s main barn, and I say we find that place.”

  Joel said, “First, we go back and see if Alejandro turned up. We need a plan for our assault on someone else’s land.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Hope had embroidered until her eyes threatened to cross. The memory of the snake in her bed haunted her, horrified her. She’d been shot at and received poison in her food. Why was a reptile in her bed worse? Unable to reason her intense repulsion, recalling the venomous serpent had tightened her frayed nerves to the breaking point.

  Her room was supposed to be a haven, not a death trap. Her mind refused to focus on anything but thoughts of relaxing innocently in bed only to be attacked by striking fangs. If not for her husband’s care, she would have shattered.

  She thanked God for Micah’s presence. A blush heated her cheeks. His lovemaking had thrust away all thoughts but him. Her husband’s tenderness should not have surprised her, but she had not imagined any man could be so gentle. Nor that she could act with complete abandon. Was she wanton to enjoy their joining as she had? Warmth infused her. She feared her companions would notice her lack of focus.

  Instead, Ramona laid aside her mending. “If you will excuse me, I will take a bit of fresh air in the rose garden.” She stood and walked from the sunroom.

  When Hope started to rise also, Eduardo shook his head. “You must remain inside. I promised your husband, so do not make a liar of me. You do not want him to pound me to the ground, do you?”

  Hope sighed, wishing she could whoosh away danger as easily. “No, I only want this nightmare to end for us, and wish it to end happily with each of us still alive.” She stood. “I can walk around in the house, can I not?”

  He shrugged, his usual comment.

  She walked toward the large windows along the sunroom’s outer wall. She caught sight of Ramona walking briskly toward the rose garden. She saw what looked like a man’s arm loop across her shoulders and pull Ramona around the corner of a cedar.

  How odd. Could she have been mistaken? No, she was certain a man waited for Ramona.

  “Eduardo? Do you know if Ramona has a-an amante?”

  “How would I know this? She is your friend.”

  “But she is also your friend? She confided to me that she hopes someday to marry you.”

  He widened his eyes. “Me marry Ramona? Never!”

  “But you flirt with her whenever you see her.”

  He shrugged again. “Am I not a man? If she wishes to flirt with me, I would never be so rude as to ignore her.”

  Hope knew Eduardo’s charm eased him through life. “You must like her as a friend at least. We have known one another all our lives.”

  “My sweet cousin, always I tolerate Ramona because you wish me to do so.”

  Prickles of wariness shot down her spine. “Come with me. We must learn who has joined her in the garden.”

  Hope raced up the stairs with Eduardo on her heels. In Micah’s bedroom, she eased along the wall until she could observe the garden without being seen. She gasped. Ramona and Diego Gonzales kissed.

  Perhaps he had forced himself on her. No, when he would have pulled away, Ramona pulled him back for another kiss.

  “Shhh.” Eduardo put his fingers to his lips, then spoke quietly. “That does not look like she is in love with me.”

  “I do not understand. Why would she even let Diego near her?”

  Her cousin threw off his carefree air. Seldom had she seen this part of his personality. “You must stay here. Promise me you will remain inside the hacienda, in this room. I should follow Diego.”

  “Alone? No, please do not.” She tugged on his arm to restrain him.

  “Micah said I cannot leave you alone, but I am going to follow Diego. I will get
the aunts to come sit with you.” He gently removed her hand.

  “And if a gunman comes, what can the aunts do?”

  He grabbed her shoulders. “Lock the doors and stay in this room until your husband, he returns. I must follow Diego. That man, he is the key to everything that has happened. Of this I am sure.” Eduardo slipped from the room.

  Hope locked the door. She returned to watch Ramona with the horrid Diego. What madness had come over her friend even to associate with such a man? And Ramona had kissed him willingly!

  Ramona turned and flounced toward the house. Invisible from Ramona’s location, Eduardo followed Diego from the garden. Hope lost sight of the men as they turned behind the house.

  Did Eduardo have a gun? His horse? His vaqueros? She stepped toward the balcony to get a better view just as Ramona looked upward. Her smug expression became a scowl, and she hurried toward the house.

  Hope hugged her arms. That Ramona had partnered with Diego was unthinkable. She and Ramona had been friends all their lives. But so had Eduardo and he did not like Ramona. Hope suspected Micah also did not approve of Ramona, although he was very courteous.

  What should she do? She was alone with only the aunts and her household staff to help. But Ramona would never attempt to hurt her, would she?

  Thoughts whirled in Hope’s mind. When she was ill, Ramona hovered. Taking care of her. Seeing she took her tonic. Making sure she ate her meals. The open balcony doors last night after Ramona preceded her upstairs.

  Hope sank onto the bed. No! Not her friend. A woman she trusted like a sister.

  The doorknob rattled. “Hope, open the door.”

  “Not now, Ramona. I have a headache and must rest.” She looked around the room. Nothing handy that could make a weapon. Micah’s razor! She grabbed the weapon, folded it, and hid the razor in her hand. Even with the door locked, holding it soothed her.

  No, she was being silly. Wasn’t she? She sank back onto the bed and waited for Micah’s return.

  “You do not look as if you have a headache.” Ramona entered from the dressing room.

  Hope jumped.

  “Foolish woman, you did not lock the door to your mama’s room.”

  She slid from the bed to face Ramona. “I do have a headache. That’s why I left the sunroom.”

  “You are not good at lying. You were spying on me, were you not?”

  “N-no, not until I saw there was a man with you.” Hope gazed into Ramona’s cold eyes. Anger and hatred radiated from the woman she’d called friend. “Why were you with Diego? You know what a dangerous man he is.”

  “As if you could understand. Diego is muy macho. Soon he will be wealthier than even your papa.” Ramona walked toward Hope slowly, a cat stalking a bird.

  I will not be her prey any longer. Keep her talking, stall for time.

  “I understand now it was you who poisoned Mama and me. But why?”

  “Your arrogant mama said you should no longer associate with me because I am only the granddaughter of your cook. Do you remember?”

  Hope did. She and Mama had argued, one of the few times she had stood up to her mother. “Surely that was no reason to poison her.”

  Haughtily raising her chin, Ramona snapped her fingers. “Reason enough.”

  “But how. Even the doctor did not suspect.”

  “Because I am clever.” Ramona’s smile held evil. “Your mama was too good to eat the poke greens abuela prepared. But I use the pokeweed to make a special tonic for her, and also I add it to her food. So, in the end she ate poke weed, did she not?” Ramona’s laugh held no happiness, only the cruelty of a demented mind.

  “But why me? Have I not always treated you as my sister? Shared everything with you?”

  “Sister?” Ramona yelled. “Did I have my own money to do with as I wish? Were there dozens of fine dresses in my armoire? Did I get to parade around as the daughter of a wealthy don?”

  “You know I would have given you anything you wished had I known.”

  “But it would be charity, when I deserve the same as you.” Ramona stomped her foot. “You stupid woman, did you even care that my abuela, she is the niece of your mas abuela?”

  “Truly?” She and Ramona were related? “How could I know? I only saw Aiyana twice a year. My parents, they said she was a mean-spirited old woman.”

  Now Hope saw the resemblance between Ramona and the fierce Aiyana. So it must be true. All this time Ramona had begrudged Hope everything. A terrible new suspicion crept into Hope’s mind.

  “And Papa. Was that you also?”

  Ramona tossed her head. “Of course. You know I am an expert shot. If you had not moved your, oh, so pretty, little head on your wedding night, I would have shot you then. And your husband protected you on your picnic. He even killed the rattler Alejandro placed in your bed after I signaled him. Always you man saves you, but he is not here, is he?” She rushed Hope and grabbed her arm. “And this time you won’t escape.” She dragged Hope toward the balcony. “You are going to have a terrible accident. I will try to save you, but what a pity I will not succeed.”

  Hope screamed for help.

  “Shut up!” Ramona raised her arm to strike Hope.

  Unfolding the razor with a flick of her wrist, Hope sliced at her assailant’s arm. And screamed for help again and again.

  Ramona shrieked, “You worthless puta! Look what you’ve done.” Heedless of the razor and the blood running from her wound, Ramona lunged at Hope.

  Hoped sliced her again before Ramona successfully grabbed Hope’s arm and fought for the razor.

  Someone pounded on the door.

  Maggie called, “Hope, what’s going on? Let us in.”

  “Through the other bedroom,” Hope screamed.

  Ramona’s rage gave her added vigor. Hope hadn’t recovered all her strength and couldn’t hold her own against Ramona. With a last push of effort, Hope tripped Ramona and they both went flying to the floor.

  The aunts rushed from the dressing area. At the same time, Consuela unlocked the main door. She, Maria, and Tomasina hurried in. Consuela and Maria each grabbed one of Ramona’s arms. From behind, Tomasina held onto Ramona’s hair that had come unbound in the struggle.

  Kicking and writhing, Ramona screeched, “You cannot win! Diego will save me. We will kill you all, you will see.”

  Consuela said, “Let us place her in the linen closet until we get more help. It locks and she will not be able to escape.”

  Hope threw down the razor. “I cut her badly. What about her arms?”

  Maria harumphed. “She would have killed you. There are bandages in with the linens. Let her treat herself until the sheriff arrives.”

  The three women shoved a still screeching and kicking Ramona into the closet. Such expletives as Hope had never heard poured from her former friend’s mouth. Except now she realized that Ramona had never been her friend. Tears of sorrow and regret...and relief poured down Hope’s cheeks.

  Consuela pulled out a key from her chatelaine’s ring. “My, she is very strong. I am afraid the lock, she will be able to kick it free.”

  Wiping her cheeks, Hope said, “Tomasina, please hurry and get the men from the corral and barn. Send one for the sheriff and tell everyone else to bring rope. Everyone but Alejandro. Do not let him know his sister is captured.”

  Lizzie took her hand. “Dear, you’ve cut yourself too. Sister, better get our doctoring box.”

  Hope placed a restraining hand on Maggie’s arm. “It can wait, can it not? We must insure Ramona does not escape. She murdered my parents and tried to kill Micah and me. If she gets free, she will harm others.”

  Where was Micah? If only he were here to comfort her and reassure her. And where was Eduardo?

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “Wait!” Micah pointed below. “Riders. Second one looks like Eduardo. Damn, I told him to stay with Hope.”

  “Whew, that’s Eduardo for sure.” Zach said, “No one else but him and his father wear thos
e fancy duds. Who’s he chasing?”

  “And who’s after him.” Micah took out his spyglass. “Looks like another rider just pulled out of the trees behind Eduardo. But who’s the guy in front?” He handed the glass to Wooster.

  “Looks like Alejandro in back,” the foreman said, peering at the riders. “Not sure, but I’d guess that’s Diego Gonzales. Man’s one bad hombre. Heard he was in prison, but I’d bet that’s him.”

  “Let’s go.” Micah turned to descend the mountain. “I don’t understand what’s going on here, but if anything has happened to Hope, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “Eduardo wouldn’t have left her without a good reason.” Joel followed. “Your wife won’t appreciate us letting her only cousin get shot to pieces, little brother.”

  Micah slid and scooted down the trail. “One way or the other, Eduardo’s looking to get himself shot.”

  Rocks and stones tumbled from the path on their hurried descent. The four men reached their horses and mounted. Micah urged his horse downward.

  At the base of the mountain, Micah said, “Wooster, check on my wife, then ride back with help. We’ll try to pull Eduardo’s bacon out of the fire.”

  The brothers galloped toward Eduardo. The man in front--possibly Diego--rode toward the Brazos River. Cutting a diagonal, they gained on the riders, but so did the man they believed to be Alejandro. Were others waiting ahead?

  Alejandro opened fire. When he did, Eduardo took cover and so did the man he chased.

  Pulling his rifle from the saddle scabbard, Micah took aim and pulled the trigger. Alejandro sagged and kept riding. Micah fired again, and this time his prey fell from his horse.

  Joel signaled he’d insure Alejandro posed no threat. By this time they were near Eduardo, who gestured for them to join him. Micah hated knowing Hope was alone, but he trusted Wooster to look out for her when the foreman arrived at the hacienda. And Maggie and Lizzie were at the ranch house as were Consuela and the maids.

  He and Zach ducked behind a boulder with Eduardo.

  Eduardo yelled, “Diego!” and pointed to the man they pursued.