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  The driver pointed a gun at her. “Get in or you die right here, right now.”

  What had Brendan said about this situation when they watched television?

  Never get in the car with anyone.

  But how could she resist without him shooting her? She recalled the blonde’s threats. If she had to die, she’d rather it be here quickly than at the hands of these two later. She made the sign of the cross and prepared herself for death.

  A horn honked and tires squealed. Brendan yelled. “Deirdre, I’m coming.”

  Blossom and Polly hurried toward her, each carrying a broom and wielding it as if they intended to beat on the blond man. Several associates came with them and lobbed jars of something at the car. In the heat, the jars exploded like small bombs. After one loud crack, red oozed along the spider-webbed glass windshield.

  “What the hell?” The scary man in black turned back toward the steering wheel. “Damn it, Rod, with or without her, get the hell in here.”

  She struggled to her knees then stood, backing away.

  Apparently unable to straighten, the guy she’d kicked hoisted himself back into the car. He yelled, “I’ll get you for this, bitch. When I do, you’re gonna beg me to kill you before I’m through.”

  The black car took off with a squeal from smoking tires, dripping red salsa and leaving glass shards in its wake. The driver had his head stuck halfway out the side window, his front windshield obviously too damaged and dirty for the wipers to clear. Aromas from the salsa’s spicy contents filled the air—cilantro, tomatoes, chili peppers. Deirdre fell in love with those scents.

  Then Brendan was there, lifting her and carrying her to his car. He cradled her in his lap with the door open.

  Blossom followed them and stood beside the car. “I called the police. We couldn’t think of any weapons but brooms and one-pound jars of salsa. Pretty feeble.”

  Polly hovered behind Blossom. The other associates had gone back to their duties. A dozen customers and people from nearby stores stood near the building in the shade of the overhang, talking to one another or staring.

  “You were brave and clever,” Deirdre assured Blossom and Polly then looked up at Brendan. “But they’d have been unable to stop the men if you hadn’t come.”

  He smiled. “It looks like you had them on the run, Mom. Salsa was a clever touch. Didn’t help the parking lot, though.”

  Polly said, “Oh, those horrid men, at least they’re gone. We’ll use the brooms to get rid of the glass and hope for rain. Otherwise, maybe we can talk the fire department into hooking up a hose and spraying the lot for us.”

  Deirdre nestled her head near Brendan’s ear. “The scary guy with the black hair had a gun. A broom and jars of tomato salsa are not much against a bullet. He could have killed everyone.”

  She shivered, recalling her fear and her decision. “He pointed it at me and told me to get in or he’d shoot me. But I remembered what you said.”

  “Don’t get in the car with a kidnapper. Thank God you didn’t, honey. I don’t have my gun with me and all I could do is chase them and phone for backup.” He closed his eyes and held her tight. “Damn, they got a good look at both of us at the bar, but I never thought they’d come after you. And another thing’s for sure, that’s the SUV that ran me off the road.”

  She held onto him, grateful for his strength. “That’s what I saw first when they stopped, the cracked fender with scrapes of paint on it the same blue color as your old car. If Michelle was correct, they killed Frank.”

  Polly came back out and handed them a piece of paper. “Here’s the license number of that SUV. One of our associates wrote it down while Blossom and I grabbed brooms and the other associates loaded up on jars.”

  “You all did some quick thinking.” He took the paper.

  Sirens blared and a police car pulled up short of the broken glass. An officer got out. “Hunter, you snatching women now? What’s going on? Heard there was a kidnapping in progress.”

  “There was.” He slid Deirdre from his lap, but kept her hand in his. “Two men in a black SUV tried to abduct Miss Dougherty at gunpoint.”

  Deirdre noticed he copied the license number into his own notebook before he handed it to the officer. “One of the clerks got the license.” He told them what kind of SUV and the approximate year. “Could we go inside where it’s air-conditioned to continue this?”

  Half an hour later, the officers left.

  Brendan still held Deirdre’s hand. “Mom, I’m taking Deirdre home. She’s been through enough for the day.”

  Blossom nodded. “Yes, this was terrible, but I think I’ll stay here. Both Chrissy and Rosa are off today, and we’ll be understaffed if I leave too. Oh, won’t they be sorry they missed this excitement?”

  “Are you sure you want to stay? They can get along without you for an afternoon.”

  “I think I’ll worry less if I’m busy here.” Blossom, normally cheerful, looked near tears. “So many horrid things keep happening. When will it end?”

  “Soon, Mom. It’ll all be settled soon.” He hugged his mother then tugged Deirdre toward the door. “Come on, honey, let’s go home.”

  With as much enthusiasm as she could muster, she turned and waved. “Everyone, thank you for your help.”

  They left to calls of “Goodbye” and “Take Care.” Deirdre hated to abandon Blossom, but she’d be useless at work. Her legs wobbled and she couldn’t stop shaking. Hitting the pavement had created aches across her shoulders and hips. Her stomach still fluttered but at least her heartbeat had returned to normal.

  Broken glass had been cleaned away, but she and Brendan had to weave around chunky blobs and streaks of tomato salsa.

  She surveyed the damage. “They must have thrown fifteen or twenty jars. Too bad. That’s wonderful salsa made from organic tomatoes and herbs. It’s very expensive.”

  “Not compared to your welfare. I’ll make sure Mom gives all her employees a bonus for helping you. ”

  “You’re a generous man.” Deirdre forced a smile for him but they were well on their way before she spoke again, “It’s a lovely car.”

  He glanced at her and raised his eyebrows. “It’s silver.”

  She nodded, pleased he’d remembered her choice. “So I see.” Then the aftermath of terror hit her anew and she reached for his hand. “Brendan, I was so very frightened. Those men said they’d come back for me. Th-They plan to do terrible things to me. They will too, I know they will.”

  He squeezed her hand. “They didn’t and they won’t. The police have the license number of their car. You heard one called Rod. Tomorrow, I’ll go down to the station and look through the mug books for them. Then they’ll be arrested and they won’t be allowed to post bail.”

  “Mug books?” She knew Brendan drank coffee from a mug.

  “Pictures of criminals.” He pointed at his handsome face. “Sometimes people call a face a mug.”

  “Oh. Yes, like people say to shut your mug.”

  They passed the place where Brendan had been forced off the road and Deirdre started shaking again. These men were ruthless. They’d be back, she knew they would.

  Brendan squeezed her hand. “It’ll be all right.”

  She looked at him, then back at the window. “I hope so. I’m afraid. What will they try next?”

  She saw Blossom’s house and sighed with relief. It represented a haven from the world’s troubles. Both worlds.

  When they were inside, Brendan locked the door and activated the alarm before he pulled her to him. “When I saw you on the parking lot with those men near, I thought I might lose you.” He kissed her so sweetly it sent tingles all the way to her toes. “You’ve become way too important to me, Deirdre. I don’t want to let you go.” He kissed her again, more fervently this time.

  She leaned away from him. “I want something from you.”

  “Anything your heart desires is yours. What is it?” He nuzzled in and kissed her neck.

I want you to take me into your bed and for you to make love to me as a man does to a woman he cares for.”

  He raised his head and his beautiful blue eyes heated with passion. “I do care for you and want to make love to you over and over, but you don’t know what you’re asking. It’s the shock you’ve had and not yourself talking.”

  She cradled his handsome face so he looked at her. “No, this is Deirdre Dougherty speaking to Brendan Hunter. Today I was terrified and might have given up.”

  She released his face and leaned against his strong chest, reassured by the steady beat of his heart. “When that awful man told me what he planned, that’s what made me fight so hard. I decided I’d die before I’d let him be the first to do to me what I’ve longed for from you.”

  She pulled his shirt loose from his slacks. “I know you’re an honorable man who doesn’t dally with women like me, but I must insist on this.”

  “There are no other women like you.” He took a step back. “Deirdre, stop and think what you’re asking. It’s not a small thing.”

  She took his hand and pulled him toward his room. “I’ve thought of nothing else since you saved me.” She offered him a slow smile, throwing her untried powers of seduction into it, feeble as her wiles might be. “In fact, I’ve thought of it since the day I came here.” They were in his room and she locked the door behind them.

  He chuckled. “You mean after you learned I’m not really a demon?”

  She stopped when they reached his bed. “Mmm, I’m not so sure you aren’t. You must be a wizard at least, else how did you enchant me with your spell?” She unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hands against his skin.

  He caught her wrists. “Deirdre, you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s no going back from this once we’ve been together. Some things can’t be undone.”

  “I may not know exactly how this works, but sure and I’m a quick learner. Everyone says so.” She shoved him hard and he fell backward on the bed. While the surprise was still on her side, she pounced beside him. “Is this the way?” She leaned down and kissed him.

  His lips were sweet as honey cakes. His arms slid around her and he returned her kiss. When she parted her mouth for him, he rolled so he was over her, never taking his lips from hers.

  She realized he knew a lot about lovemaking. At first it annoyed her to think of him like this with other women. But she decided it best that one of them knew how to proceed. Understanding how coupling worked was not the same as experience.

  His hands caressed her and before she knew it, she was out of her blouse and the confining bra. He kissed along her jaw, then to her neck and then—Blessed Saints!—he kissed her breast. She moaned with pleasure as he pulled the peak into his mouth and suckled. Heat built in her private place and she felt moisture gather there.

  Heaven could be no more glorious than this moment. Or so she thought. Then he slid his hand between her legs and slowly up to where her thighs met. When his finger dipped inside her, she gasped.

  His finger moved in and out with the same timing as his tongue against her peaked nipple. Heat inside her flamed hotter and hotter until she feared she’d melt. As if by their own free will, her hips moved to meet his delving finger. Great power gathered in her, threatening to burst free. She feared she might expire from the passion. Instead, the ecstasy inside her exploded and showered her with a million stars.

  She cried, “Sweet mercy, Brendan, I never knew.” Then she melted against the pillow and sheets.

  He raised his head to meet her gaze. His eyes were dark with passion, his face flushed with desire. “Are you ready for more?”

  Chapter Thirty

  “More. Yes, more.” Deirdre said.

  Brendan gathered his willpower and made one more try. “Honey, we haven’t...gone too far to stop now. Any more and I won’t be able to—“

  She placed her fingers on his mouth. “Please, Brendan. Even if you don’t care for me as a lover and never want me again, let me have this now. I want you to be my first lover. Then, if those horrid men catch me, at least I’ll have known your sweet pleasure.”

  How could he resist that plea? Especially when she asked what he desperately needed. “You know I care for you.” He tugged his belt loose and kicked off his jeans and shoes. He was rock hard and tented his briefs.

  She gasped. “Oh, my.”

  He figured she’d be scared off and braced himself for her change of mind. Lord, he didn’t think he could bear it if she did halt their lovemaking.

  She smiled up at him and wriggled out of her skirt and panties. “Is that great bulge for me?”

  The unexpected response made him grin. “Only for you. I should be used to you surprising me by now.” He stripped out of his briefs and socks. Opening his wallet, he grabbed a foil packet.

  “All of me is for your enjoyment. But seeing your beautiful ivory body stretched out on the bed is my pleasure.” He turned back the cover and scooted her onto the sheets before he climbed in beside her.

  Holding up the package, he explained, “This is something to keep you from becoming pregnant. If we were both having sex with others as well as one another, this would help prevent disease.” He opened the packet and began to roll it on his penis.

  Catching on, she shoved his hands away and finished the task. He watched her face, enjoying the curiosity she displayed without any hint of awkwardness. When she’d readied him, she smoothed her hands across his abdomen, his ribs and chest. Her glorious body slid against him.

  Gently, she touched the puckered scar on his shoulder. She kissed it, then brushed her lips down the length of him, her wonderful breasts teasing a trail against his heated skin to his thigh. She kissed that deeper, uglier wound. “You near bled to death from this, didn’t you?”

  “So I heard.” His injuries held no interest with her as temptation. He pulled her alongside him and caressed her satin skin. No, softer than satin. Velvet.

  She laid her head in the crook of his arm. “Long have I dreamed of this.” Her hand slid over his chest.

  “Not so long. You’ve been here less than two weeks.”

  “But this is the same as I’ve dreamed for years. I never saw your face, but other things are the same. Like the way your heart sounds against my ear, the way mine pounds, your scent, your touch, the way we fit together.”

  He rolled to his side. “Wait until you see how well we fit together in a few minutes.” Leaning over her, he teased the peak of her nipple then laved the other one.

  She wove her fingers in his hair, urging him to stay. “Ahhh, Brendan, that’s lovely. More, please.”

  “More.” He raised himself over her, gently spreading her legs with his. Near to bursting with need, he ached to drive into her. But she was new to lovemaking and he slowed. He found the nub of her desire and massaged it. “Do you like this?”

  She thrashed against the pillow. “For the love of mercy, make me yours.” She wrapped her legs around him, forcing him to her.

  He touched her and found her moist and ready. “I’ll go slow.” He positioned his shaft at her opening.

  “Not slow, Brendan. I’ll burst into flame unless you hurry.” She thrust her hips up and captured him.

  He slid into her, slowly at first as he’d promised. When he hit her barrier, he expected her to cry out or tell him to stop. He captured her mouth with his to soften her cry. Instead of halting him, she held him to her and moved her pelvis toward his. Unable to restrain himself, he thrust into her.

  Their movements synchronized, she murmured foreign words—Gaelic, he supposed—near his ear. He lost track of time, of anything except Deirdre and the joy of loving her. Faster, driving himself faster, his elation built. As he exploded into her and called her name, she cried out her own release.

  She caressed his back, her hands sliding over his skin now slick with perspiration. “That was the most wonderful thing of my life. Can we do this again soon?”

  “Yes, but you’ll likely be sore from it being you
r first time. We should wait until you’ve healed.” He rolled and pulled her on top of him.

  They lay entwined, replete.

  “I’ve never experienced this feeling of security. In spite of what happened today on the parking lot, right now I’m at ease.” Soon, she slept.

  He pulled the cover up over them and held her close. She might feel secure, but he knew those two men wouldn’t stop unless they were in jail. No, even then no one was safe until their boss was caught.

  Brendan woke when Deirdre tried to pull away. He tugged her back. Light no longer streamed in the window and he thought it must be near dusk.

  She curled into him. “I should shower and dress.”

  “We can shower later—together.”

  She raised on her elbow and trailed her fingers over his chest. “That sounds depraved. And interesting.” She met his gaze. “I fear what Blossom will think of me if she comes home and finds us together."

  “She came home while you were asleep and wisely went out again. To Dave’s, I imagine.” To do the same thing he and Deirdre were or he missed his guess. Those two should get married.

  So should we.

  The thought spun over him like a steamroller. Deirdre needed time to adjust to her new life. Time to find her way. He couldn’t bind her to him until she’d settled into her new world.

  What if, in her new freedom, she decided she’d no need for him? The mere thought created pain, but he couldn’t believe she’d leave him. This felt too right. He cradled her near. Having her beside him surpassed his dreams, and lately there’d been plenty of her.

  She pulled his hand back to her breast. “If this is your mother’s house, then why do you have the largest bedroom? Isn’t this the one called the master’s bedroom?”

  “It’s complicated, sort of a long story.” He kissed her forehead.

  “I’m extremely comfortable and find myself with time to listen.”

  “I bought the house, okay? But I wanted my mom to know that she always had a place that was hers. By rights, half my grandparents’ money should have gone to her. She wouldn’t take it.” He tugged the pillow under his head to a more comfortable position.